You can use this form to tell us you have moved
You should complete this form if:
- You're moving out of Camden to another area
- You're moving to another address within Camden
- You'll no longer be responsible for council tax at your new address
To help us update our records, you will need to confirm the following:
- The exact date you moved out, your tenancy ended or when you sold your property
- Your new address
- The landlord or agent details and any joint tenant details if you've been a tenant
- Your solicitor's details and any joint owner details if you have sold your property
- The names of the new owners or tenants (if you know them). If you do not know their name(s), please leave that section of the form blank
- If you are already registered at your new address, please select "No" to the question "Are you moving within the area?"
Data Protection
- Camden Council is regulated by the Data Protection Act 2018 and will manage the personal information collected on this form for the purposes of delivering its services to you.
- Your information may be shared internally and with external partners purely for these purposes and will not be shared with any other organisations unless required to do so by law or for the purposes of prevention and detection of crime and/or fraud. We may contact you using the details you provide, in connection with this form and the information you supply.
- Your personal information will only be retained for as long as is necessary and you may request a copy of the information we hold about you